Students meet every Sunday by grade and gender in order to connect with each, learn God's Word, and be a part of something significant.
Middle School is for students who are in grades 6-8.
High School for grades 9-12.
9th Grade: Room 233
10th Grade: Room 232
11th Grade: Room 231
12th Grade: Room 230
6th Grade: Room 241
7th Grade: Room 231
8th Grade: Room 230
Wednesday LIVE
February 26-May 7
6:00 - 8:00pm (HS goes until 8:15pm)
Gym & Cafe open at 6pm followed by hangtime, worship, sermon and family group discussion at 6:30pm
High Schoolers
Want to be a part of welcoming newcomers? Email for more information.
Events you won’t want to miss:
Circle these dates on your calendar and watch for information and registration.
Please pray for our mission teams
High School to Farmington, NM
March 15-21
Middle School to Brownsville, TX
March 15-19
$5 for Parent/Student Combo
Whether it be Moms & Sons putting on their game face and practicing their gaming skills or Daddy & Daughters dressing up and putting on their dancing shoes. This event is sure to be an encouragement to the parent-child relationship. Marianne Howard and son, Zander, will cultivate communication for the tournament and date night participants will experience Jonathan Teague along with his daughter, Elizabeth. The Student Ministry wants to encourage you as parents to spend dedicated time set aside with your child. This is an event you won’t want to miss.
Circle it on your calendar and register now. Registration ends the Sunday prior to the event.
Graduating Class of 2025
Exciting times are coming as you finish one chapter of your life and begin another. See below the timeline as to when everything is due:
March 13 by 9am: Google form of Participation Intention is due.
March 30: Pick up your Bible from Karla at the Ministry Gallery. Ask family to dedicate a verse to you.
April 13: Bibles are due back to Karla in the Ministry Gallery by 12noon.
April 13: Photos for the recognition presentation are due
April 20 & 27: Bibles are available for the Cross Church family to dedicate a verse to you.
April 27: Last day to make reservations and purchase lunch tickets
May 3: Decorate senior accomplishment table
May 4: Senior Recognition Day!
9:30am: Bible Fellowship Group
10:30am: Gather in front of the Parlor for Senior Group Photo, then head to the basement for instructions.
10:45am: Parents gather in the worship atrium for line up instructions
11:00am: NextGen service / Seniors Recognition
12:15pm: Lunch for those with reservations
Moment mission movement
A summer camp for students to experience and celebrate the awe and wonder of a glorious God. Designed by local churches for local churches so teenagers of the local church can see the mission of God through a moment with God and join the movement of God.
Middle school
completing grades 6, 7, 8 in the spring of 2025
VERY Early Bird gets the biggest discount! Cost: $250
April 21 cost increases to $300
high school
completing grades 9, 10, 11, 12 in the spring of 2025
VERY Early Bird get the biggest discount! Cost: $380
May 12 cost increases to $430
ONE WKND was a blast! Check it out!
Parents & Students ~ find out what is going on ~ get connected with mass texts and emails!
High School Text Alerts: text hstudents or hsparents to
817-339-6633Middle School Text Alerts: text mstudents or msparents to
817-339-6633Students and Parents wanting to be included in our email alerts, please email Karla and ask to be included with your particular grade or grades.
Parental Help Needed! Adult volunteers are always needed, Email Karla for a Parent Information sheet to see what opportunities are available.