Family Picnic Pop-Up
12:00 PM12:00

Family Picnic Pop-Up

We are hosting a Family Picnic Pop-Up for the community on March 29th from 12 to 2 PM on the South Lawn at the NRH campus. This community outreach event will feature a live band, food, inflatables, and a brief presentation of the gospel! Join us in our mission to extend the love of Christ to our community by inviting friends and by praying for this special event!

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Mom-Son Super Smash Bros Tournament
12:00 PM12:00

Mom-Son Super Smash Bros Tournament

  • Cross Church Cafe - NRH Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event is sure to be an encouragement to the parent-child relationship. Marianne Howard and son, Zander, will cultivate communication for the tournament The Student Ministry wants to encourage you as parents to spend dedicated time set aside with your child. This is an event you won’t want to miss.

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10:00 AM10:00


Join us on the south lawn for game booths, bounce houses, barrel train rides, a petting zoo, snacks, music, and age-graded egg scrambles!

Egg Scramble Times

PINK 10:15 ages 2 & under

YELLOW 10:30 age 3

GREEN 10:45 age 4

PURPLE 11:00 age 5

ORANGE 11:15 age 6

RED 11:30 ages 7-8

BLUE 11:45 ages 9-11

Egg Scramble Times

PINK 10:15 ages 2 &under

YELLOW 10:30 age 3

GREEN 10:45 age 4

PURPLE 11:00 age 5

ORANGE 11:15 age 6

RED 11:30 ages 7-8

BLUE 11:45 ages 9-11

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Prayer in the Upper Room @ NFW
4:00 PM16:00

Prayer in the Upper Room @ NFW

Join us at the North Fort Worth Campus for Prayer in the Upper Room on Thursday, April 17 from 4:00 - 8:00 PM. This will be a reflective, self-guided time to visit various stations in the Worship Center, centered around the final week of Jesus’ life, culminating with the Lord's Supper. You will be able to move at your own pace, and to participate in this special evening as a family.

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Couples' Date Night
6:30 PM18:30

Couples' Date Night

Are you and your spouse looking for a fun date or need a few hours away from the kids? Join us on Friday, May 2! You will enjoy dinner, Patriotic Pig, and live music by the Texas Country Boys. We will even have Texas Two-Step lessons led by a dance instructor. Please register online to reserve your spot! Child care (birth to 5th grade) is provided. The deadline to register is Sunday, April 25.

**Child care for Couples Date Night will be combined with Kids Night Out (KNO), so you do not need to register for KNO if you register for this event**

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Men's Golf Tournament
7:30 AM07:30

Men's Golf Tournament

The Annual Men’s Cross Church Golf Tournament is just around the corner, and will be held at Iron Horse Golf Course in NRH on Saturday, May 3, 2025.   This four-man scramble will start at 7:30 AM and conclude with lunch in the outdoor pavilion. Start gathering your team of four now.  Cost per participant will be $85 per person with lunch included.  Registration will open on Sunday, April 6, 2025 and run through Sunday, April 27, 2025.  Make plans now to join us and start getting your team of champions together.  We hope to see you there!!

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Men's Breakfast
8:00 AM08:00

Men's Breakfast

Pastor Gwangkyu "Moses" Yeon

Men, come hear Pastor Gwangkyu "Moses" Yeon on Saturday morning March 8th at 8am at our next Men's Breakfast.  Pastor Moses grew up in North Korea and eventually served as an officer in the North Korean Military until his miraculous encounter with God.  Following his conversion he served as a missionary to the underground North Korean Church until his defection in 2012.  As the first ever North Korean defector to be ordained as a pastor, Pastor Moses will share his God given vision of a Gospel-centered peaceful reunification of North and South Korea and the plans he believes God has for the people of North Korea. 

Tickets are available for $5 online and in the ministry gallery.

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6:30 PM18:30


Join us for an inspiring evening at Flourish! Experience uplifting worship and gain valuable insights from our special guest speaker, Paula Rutherford. This promises to be a fun and enriching event that you won’t want to miss! This event is hosted on the North Fort Worth campus of Cross Church.

Cost is $10

There will be childcare available for this event, $4 per child and a $10 max per family. 

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Album Release Worship Night
6:00 PM18:00

Album Release Worship Night

Join us in the Worship Center for a night of music presented by our worship ministries. Our combined choirs, instrumental ensemble, and technology team spent countless hours in preparation for a five-night recording session this fall. Come and celebrate their efforts and enjoy the music! Music will be available for purchase at the concert by digital download, or you may place an order for the CD.

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Men's Steak & Bake
6:00 PM18:00

Men's Steak & Bake

Men, pencil it in!  Steak and Bake 2025 will take place on Sunday January 26th.  Dr. Tim Lee - Vietnam vet, Purple Heart recipient, Co-Chair of the National Committee of Veterans for Senator Ted Cruz, Fox News contributor, preacher and evangelist - will share incredibly powerful stories of faith, redemption and spiritual renewal.  Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith or find the path to salvation, Tim's message of miraculous survival is one of hope and transformation. 

Tim Lee

Tim Lee, born in southern Illinois, lost both legs while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. Despite this, he became a prominent evangelist starting in 1979, preaching in all 50 states and several countries, addressing churches, schools, civic groups, and military audiences. Known for his impactful revival messages and patriotism, he has preached over 2,000 revival crusades and thousands of other events.

Lee has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Liberty University since 1991 and is respected by leaders across various fields. He speaks passionately about revival and the Gospel of Christ, connecting deeply with audiences. He has authored three books, including his autobiography, Born on the Fifth of July.

Married to Connie for 52 years, they have three children and seven grandchildren. His ministry is based in Texas. Recognized with numerous awards, including the George Rogers Champion of Freedom Award and six honorary doctorates, Lee is also a Fox News contributor and has been honored by the U.S. Marine Corps and various legislatures.

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6:15 PM18:15


Bring your kids (babies through 5th graders) to the church and enjoy the night with your spouse or friends! Prior registration is required. For this night only, 6:15 pm to 9:45 pm.

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